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2 posts tagged with "chats"

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· 3 min read
Aurélien Franky

Managing and organizing your Language Model initiatives for automation can be a real challenge. If you and your colleagues are constantly exploring different approaches to generate content and automate tasks, you're likely familiar with the frustration of switching between ChatGPT and Office tools to save and share prompts. And if you want to reuse your best ideas, it often involves a time-consuming process of searching for them and copy-pasting them back in ChatGPT.



The latest version of Prompt Studio offers you a solution to effortlessly organize your initiatives into dedicated workspaces. Each workspace provides you with a convenient playground where you can access prompts, files, and chats specific to that project.

Currently, the workspaces you create are private, but we have an exciting team collaboration feature in the pipeline that will soon enable you to share your workspaces with your colleagues, enhancing collaboration and productivity.



Last week, we made improvements to the chat feature in Prompt Studio. These enhancements include several important features that are particularly useful for those who wish to explore different scenarios for chatbots.

  • System Prompt: A system prompt enables you to specify how the language model should behave regardless of the user input. By using this prompt, you can partially override the default behavior of the language model.
  • Roles: Each message in the chat can be assigned a role, such as system, user, assistant, or function. This tagging helps the language model understand how to handle each message. Currently, we follow the OpenAI format for roles, but in the future, it may vary depending on the selected provider.
  • Completions: Every message within the chat contains a set of completions. These can be messages generated by the language model itself or provided by a user. You can easily switch between different completions to compare and evaluate them without worrying about accidentally overwriting your work.
  • Disable Messages: If you want to see how a completion would appear with or without a specific message, there's no need to delete the message entirely. Instead, you can simply disable it temporarily, allowing you to assess the impact of that message on the overall conversation.
  • Editor and Completion Modes: In completion mode, the chat operates like ChatGPT, where you make a request and the language model responds. On the other hand, in editor mode, you have the flexibility to manually add new messages and define their content. This way, you can explore and observe how your language model behaves in specific scenarios.

Are you looking for additional features when exploring chat scenarios for your chatbots?

Reach out to us on Discord, we’re happy to help.

· 2 min read
Aurélien Franky

Our focus this week was adding knowledge bases to Prompt Studio, allowing you to circumvent limitations with prompt lengths, and test interactions with your own data.

Knowledge Bases

When generating content through prompts you sometimes want to make some information available to the language model that it was not trained upon. This could be because the data was not available at the time of training or because the data you want it to use is very specific.

To get the results you want, you need to pass that information as part of the prompt you send to the language model. With that context the model will be more accurate in its responses.

However language models limit the number of tokens that can be provided as part of a prompt, this means that if you have a lot of information that you want to be include in the prompt, you need a way to decide what parts are the most relevant in a given situation. There are many ways to do that, a very popular approach is to do a vector similarity search, where the parts of the text that are most similar with the user query are passed as context.

You can now setup a knowledge base to do just that in Prompt Studio.

Adding files to a knowledge base

To build a knowledge base in Prompt Studio, create a new asset of type "knowledge base". And link the files you want to be part of the knowledge base. Then click "generate knowledge base".

generate knowledge base

Chat Context

We added the concept of chat contexts to Prompt Studio. You can use your knowledge base in a chat by selecting it under "chat context". This allows you to ask questions in the chat about the files in your knowledge base.

generate knowledge base

Let us know how you use knowledge bases and what features you would like to see added next.

UX improvements

This week we also improved the useability of prompt versions. You can now easily revert to a previous version of your prompt template, including previewing the number of tokens each prompt will use.

generate knowledge base